A few things I would like to mention that will help this wonderful adventure go more smoothly.....
*Drop off and pick up time may become hectic if more than 1 parent comes at a time, so we are going
to ask that you please be considerate and make the arrival and departure as quick as possible.
We will be needing to keep
the other children within eye range and any interruption will always be their cue to try and get away with 'something!'
remember separation anxiety will be an issue in the beginning, but you can call as many times as you want to check on your
child. In all my years of childcare I have never had a child that didn't settle within the first hour. (and before you know
it they will be so happy to come to Ms. Rhonda and Ms. Ashley!).
Also during this time we would like to mention about bringing
siblings inside with you, please do not let them run through the home unattended.
Drop-off and pick-up times are not good
times to discuss serious problems. Little ears and minds hear and understand everything. I am not comfortable discussing a
child in the presence of anyone, but their parents. Topics that concern day-to-day events or light-hearted discussion are
fine. We can schedule another time for things you are concerned about.
*Cubbies - Your child will have a cubby with her/his name on it. We would like for you to have an extra set of clothes
(including socks). Also, this will be for a blanket or sleeping items your child may need. We have drawers in our changing
area for extra diapers/cream etc. You can bring as many as you would like and we will stock them. You will be warned when
we will be needing more.
We ask that you LABEL everything that you bring for your child.
*Cleanliness/Hygiene -We do our best to maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are
washed before and after meals, coming in from outside and after toileting. If these skills are stressed at
home also your
child may remain a good hand-washer when he/she gets older.
Please have your child bathed and dressed for play. A clean
child is a healthy child.
Beginning at toddler age we provide a nap cot for your child. We ask that you
provide a blanket.
These are washed weekly (unless soiled, then they are washed as often as necessary). Toys are sanitized with a bleach solution
once a week (Fridays).
*Potty Training - I will assist in potty training with the understanding that it will only work if we work together.
Your child will not learn if they do not do it while in my care and at home. You must work with your child at home, either
during vacation or over a weekend before I will begin potty training here. Clothing should be easy to manage to encourage
self-help skills. Buckles, belts, overalls and suspenders when in a hurry to use the bathroom may create a problem. I also
require that
each potty training child have 6 changes of training pants (for sanitary reasons I require plastic pants to
go over underwear or training pants) or pull ups. Extra changes of clothing are also necessary, including socks.
*Behavioral Goals - While in my care only positive encouragement is enforced. Children will NOT be subject to spanking,
hitting, kicking, restraint, or to verbal, emotional, or physical punishment. I believe the most effective ways of enforcing
positive behaviors are: Praise, Respect, Re-Direction, and Positive Re-Enforcement. I don*t play *REF*; I use strategies to
engage children in their own problem solving. During conflict it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved,
important and special. They need to know I am always available to listen and help, not to judge. My goal is to coach the children
so they can negotiate, compromise, brainstorm and work it out together. I do not believe in *adult initiated* time outs, as
I feel when used punitively it takes away from a valuable teaching experience. I will only place a child in time out if I
feel that they are a threat to the safety and well being of themselves or others. When this becomes necessary I make sure
everyone is all right, then I stay with the child. If something of a more serious nature or a persistent behavior should occur
that is of concern to me or a threat to the safety of others, I will need to discuss it with you so that we can jointly decide
on a course of action that is followed at home and in my care.
Open Door Policy - While your child is in my care, you can always be assured that the door is open to you. Open Door
does not mean that we keep our doors unlocked. For the safety of myself and the children doors are kept locked except for
scheduled drop off and pick up times. I also have a video monitor that allows me to see who is at the door at all times.
feel free to drop in and check on your child, however, keep in mind a child adjusting to a new surrounding will want to leave
with you if you pop in for a visit. I would appreciate your taking into consideration our schedule when dropping in or calling,
and remember that visitors usually cause children to react in an excited manner that does not normally occur when I am alone
with the them. Please keep in mind there may be times when it is not possible for me to run to the phone (diaper changing,
center time, art project , etc.) If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave me a voice mail
and I will call you as soon as I am able. (usually within 5 minutes.) I will also be available via email throughout the day.
Communication is very important to me. When I accept a new family into my home I like to be sure that we can
share openly any concerns or questions that may arise. I feel that we are a team raising your child. If we can work together
then your child can feel secure in knowing they have two families who love them very much. I grow to love each child I keep
very much and I am always glad to have a chance to be a part of their lives. It is important that there is a similar
philosophy between us. I welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that affect a positive outcome for the child.
Sensitive issues will be discussed outside of regular hours either by letter, phone or a scheduled conference. I provide a
monthly newsletter that will explain some of the activities we are doing, events that will be happening, my days off, and
any other pertinent, fun or helpful information that may be of interest to you. You are always welcome to contribute to our
newsletter. You will also receive a daily report for your child ,detailing what went on throughout the day. Some typical things
that you may find on this note would be daily activities, feedings/meals, diaper changes, naps/quiet time and things to remember
or to bring.
Sickness - If your child is out ill regular fees still apply. Your child may be brought to care if they have a common
cold (which means a slight cough, clear runny nose, sneezing); however
I will call you if your child is just plain miserable
(whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you). The Health Department regulations prohibit the admittance of any child into
a family childcare home that exhibits any of the following symptoms:
* Fever (100*f or higher) * child needs to be fever
free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
* Diarrhea * child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of
* Vomiting * child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
* Runny nose with colored
discharge *check with doctor
* Rash * check with doctor
* Discharge from eyes or ears
* Lice * child needs to be
treated and nits removed before return
* Communicable diseases * chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye),
influenza etc.
The child may return when the incubation and contagious period is passed and the child is well enough to
resume normal childcare activities. I have the right to refuse to care for a sick child. If your child develops any of the
above symptoms while in my care, you or your alternate will be required to pick up your child immediately. If I have to call
a parent to pick up a child that has been dropped off for care too ill to participate in the day the child will also be required
to stay at home the following day. Your child may return to care 24 hours AFTER symptoms of illness end. Which means if your
child is sent home with a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting they cannot return until they have been symptom free for 24 hours without
the aid of medications. I am responsible for the health and well being of many children so I will closely follow health department
regulations when it comes to illness. I understand and respect your need to be at work, but your cooperation is extremely
important on this.
Medication - If your child is on antibiotics he/she continues to be contagious for 24 hours after the first dose of
medication and can not return to childcare until this time period has passed. All medication must be in the original,
labeled container.
Medical Emergencies - Minor bumps and scrapes are inevitable, but I make every effort to keep your children safe through
supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive appropriate first aid, and if an emergency injury or illness occurs,
you will be contacted immediately. If I am unable contact either parent, I will call the emergency contact numbers supplied
to me to make the medical decisions for the child. If necessary your child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest
hospital. Parents are responsible for costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including transportation if required.
Nap/Quiet Time - All children will be required to lie down for a nap/quiet time each day. I will not force your child
to sleep but they must lie down quietly. This is my *coffee break* during the day, my time to recharge, plan programming and
do paperwork and clean up the kitchen from lunchtime.
We ask that you try not to bring toys from home. We have many things throughout the day to keep up
with, children are carrying things all over the place and the less we have to 'search' for in the evening , the easier it
will be.
** However, we would love any toys that you may want to donate!
We provide sippy cups and will use them at snacks and lunchtime.
I am an avid photographer. I will take tons of pictures of our activities to share with you. Please let us know who (grandparents/friends)
you would like to be on our mailing list for photos.
Thank you for letting us be a part of your child’s life. We consider it an honor and a blessing!
Ms. Rhonda and Ms. Ashley