Menu items offered at Toddler Time are well planned and designed to appeal to both children and parents alike.
As both mother and an experienced provider, I DO understand that there may be one or two that do not wish to eat certain
'foods'. Some children like to experiment while others hit a stage when they become "picky'!
At our table the children are never forced to eat an item that is served, but are instead encouraged to try a small bite
of the items on their plate. You never know, sometimes even the 'picky' eater is surprised to find themselves enjoying a new
or previously disliked food.
Cookies, muffins and similar treats are usually an item that children have helped prepare during the week. Time spent in
the kitchen is a fun way to introduce math and science interest, while providing an enjoyable 'finished product'.
That is not to say that we do not partake in store bought items.... after all, what is a 'tea party' without Teddy Grahams?!
During warm weather months we love frozen juice popsicles or freeze pops. And will often have our snacks outside!
Below we have provided a 4 week example of the types of menu ideas we serve. The rotation may vary and some meal items
may be added or substituted to allow for different seasons, special activities, availability and of course, theme related.